
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

It is early with regard to 2022 midterm elections, but it looks as if McConnell and Doug Wardlow want things both ways.

 McConnell, voting to acquit but then saying Trump did dastardly things does not hang together, but it is what he did. Link.

Wardlow, if actually trying another run against Ellison in 2022, will want the Trump white rowdy vote, and the evangelicals, where the "Hang Mike Pence" business back on Jan. 6 acts as a separating act between both bigoted GOP blocs. It is as if Trump drove a deliberate wedge between the blocs by vilifying Pence over the rule of law, with Trump wanting to hold onto white anger/Angst, as his, while even playing the shabby Bible clutch in front of the church, a stunt aimed for the most gullible of the Jesus bloc. Or perhaps as a code to unleash pent up grumpiness among white men who are not doing well these days.

The "both ways" boys, we can call the two of them, McConnell and Wardlow. 

Then, add in Trump for wretchedly posing the Bible and then incitement of the angry white Jan. 6 crowd against Pence for neither giving in to Trump's "I won" idiocy, nor giving in to those telling Pence to use the 25th Amendment - Pence handling that straddle about as well as he could. 

However in saying Pence came out looking better than Trump is like saying the flu, however severe, is not a Covid-19 infection, which though true, fails to make the flu a good thing.

In the foursome, neither Trump nor McConnell nor Pence comes across as a total weasel.