
Saturday, January 16, 2021

You know American fascism has abandoned Trump when the disrespect reaches all the way down to yet another worldwide heavy-hitter -- the one at the No.139 level of the nation's big public companies.

 General Mills joining the defund-troublemaking bus. You don't think of a food processor as needing its governmental-interference and instructional voice as much as you think of Lockheed, Boeing or Raytheon.

Whose bus, who's on it, who's getting a demerit from bus driver-owners?

The problem? Some sore loser blustering buffoon inciting prol crowd dissension against an orderly installation of a new on-record over decades tool of fascism is not to the liking of those running fascistic America to the point of hitting miscreants [Biden election denier politicians] with sanctions:  

No playing ball by the rules, run for reelection without money and see how that goes.

How else would YOU define fascism other than the corporations calling the shots of not only what the government does, but which stooge will be doing it - without wanting discord among the prols. That last part - American fascism dislikes prol discord to the extent Bezos bought WaPo so that discord could be more efficiently managed suppressed and decoelesced - Bezos loving efficient management of prol attitude; as in you want it we'll sell and ship but otherwise shut-up being a tattoo Bezos either wears or should.

Back to General Mills, and No. 139? Don't fact check me. Fact check Forbes.

So, I've gone and used the f-word. Fascism. About that nice Mr. Joe Biden. And about lovers of his soon to be presidency. Bezos gonna get me? Shut Crabgrass down? (Marching of the coconspirators would be needed to do that since Google owns Blogger to where Bezos would need censorship-pool effort.)

 If I had AOC's following it - using the f-word instead of taking the Capitol's regular denizens seriously in their whining "outrage" over a few broken windows - would be noticed. However, there is virtue to miniscule readership levels. Under the "domestic terrorist watch list" level of attention. Not seen in the radar. Radar cross-section of a cawing crow.

It is not what you say, but how many listen.