
Saturday, January 16, 2021

Howie Klein at DWT, "Trump Peed In The Punch Bowl-- And The Senate Will Be Too Tied Up In Knots To Do Anything About It."

 Read all about it. Realism faces those enamored by the Dems taking the two Georgia seats as if it meant Nirvana was reached by the sorry Party.

Realism about the effect of the Georgia election is like realism about the Jan. 6 Capitol event - things are not the way you're being told.

So look at who is telling you what, and be discerning or a chump. There is no third choice. Message behind the message thinking is not error. Always look for what the real communication is about - who/what gets praise, who/what gets denigrated.

UPDATE: More of the same reality cold shower. And one detail; to get 60 to "override" a filibuster, ten Republican votes would be required, not nine as the item states. Harris would only vote a 50-50 tiebreaker; not on a filibuster vote short of 60 Senators. 

Manchin is on record against change to filibuster procedure.