
Monday, December 21, 2020

What might "The Great Reset" include? Not that Crabgrass gets any advance special notice, so start the post where the question was first seen online, Breitbart. Don't end there, but note that it is a slogan, and not a done deal.

 CHANGE and HOPE were slogans too, and pure BS to boot. So -

Breitbart link, as of Dec. 21. A websearch = davos 2021 "great reset".

Barrons from last June, timing changed, per this WEF link from last August. 

More WEF online stuff, here and here. The latter link called "issues that matter most."

There is ambiguity in what matters most; especially, to whom.

At a guess TPP and other trade deals will be on the Biden agenda, and the Davos agenda. Coincidental, of course. The New World Order gets its Great Reset, and those issues mattering most seem consonant with MSM coverage in our nation. Again coincidence is stark but reassuring. The question? Reassuring to whom?

"Sophistry" is a term with a meaning, and the term exists because the practice exists. What actually is in store for US, per international mover and shaker will?

Biden did Davos - That was four years ago, pre-Trump inauguration. During the Obama-years' death-rattle.

BOTTOM LINE: It's a big club, and you and I ain't in it.


Breitbart again, from November:

John Kerry Talks ‘Great Reset’: ‘We’re at the Dawn of Extremely Exciting Time’

Democratic presidential candidate former U.S. Vice president Joe Biden (L) campaigns with former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (R) December 6, 2019 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Kerry announced his endorsement of Biden yesterday with the Iowa caucuses less than two months away. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
Win McNamee/Getty Images

What might include the Green New Deal with infrastructure and job reformation and growth might also turn out to be what Breitbart disparages. I.e., it could be plowing US under - deeper, because deep down, we're no threat to plutocracy. 

Be vigilant about it. It will have a big-time impact beyond sloganeering.