
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Interesting reading for today about a bill too long to read and too full of crap.[UPDATED]

Here, here, and here. These people have no consciences, for doing things this way. 

Term limits? Or would the resulting revolving door prove even worse?

Two parties, each one lacking integrity. And then they will deliver to us the Great Reset. I pity the future these people are preparing for the bulk of the young of our nation. The Jarads will always do okay, with parents buying them into Harvard, and inheriting fortunes. But US, they wipe their feet on US.

UPDATE: From bill bullet points posted by DailyMail: "The 5,593-page bill provides for direct payments of $600 to most Americans "

It does not take too many pages to say give individuals six hundred bucks. These DC "bipartisan" robber baron servants are a national shame and disgrace.

Bloomberg a few Christmases ago got a massive tax break. This Christmas you are getting 5593 pages for your tax dollars, six hundred bucks, spend it wisely, Happy Holidays. Raw deal? Not for Bloomberg. He buys bipartisan. Getting great return on investment. How do you feel for your reps inflating the Bloomberg ROI?

Same as it ever was. Aside from any virus concern, robbers should wear masks. That's the way it's always been in John Wayne movies. But we don't have The Duke to clean out the nest of villains. What shall we do?

FURTHER: [NOTE This paragraph is in error, the link is to the earlier March 2020 legislation, not the latest immense pork barrel.NCSL has a fairly comprehensive spending breakdown post. Less smoke and mirror stuff than MSM, more numbers here, numbers there analysis.

Government by shell game arguably is unsound, but if people really see what's happening there'd possibly be tar and feathers being prepared by some of US for most of them. And the dollar gets cheapened again, more and more of that stealth diminishing of retirement savings many rely upon. 

Who does trust this process? Why is there not dead zero trust in these operators?

FURTHER: While not familiar with the Armstrong site, hence shooting in the dark in a manner; nonetheless; linkis here and here - very recent posts - terse, and posting nothing I would disagree with. We, US, being played this way is pure ugliness, meanness, and conduct indicative of a failure of governance..

January 20.