
Thursday, November 05, 2020

Now that Biden has won - all over but formalities - let's look at BS and the future.

First, unconscionable bullshit over the fact Trump is so awful as person and president, is false bullshit when it is a claim Minnesota's DFL is popular. Being merely a lesser evil among two choices, both owned by money, is not popularity. It is desparation, as is the intent to keep the pressure for progress intense.

Strib in local content:

 Joe Biden cements DFL's strength in Minnesota cities, big suburbs
Biden racked up big numbers in Minn.'s cities and suburbs.
By Patrick Condon Star Tribune
November 5, 2020 — 8:45am

[...] “To outperform Hillary by something like 6 points when all is said and done is pretty remarkable for all the time, money and energy the Trump campaign spent on Minnesota,” said Justin Buoen, the DFL strategist who managed Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s presidential campaign.

[...]  In statewide returns tallied by Wednesday afternoon, Biden led Trump by more than 230,000 votes out of more than 3.2 million cast in the presidential race in the state. Clinton’s winning margin in 2016 was just over 44,000 votes.

Biden also narrowly carried neighboring Wisconsin, though the Trump campaign was requesting a recount, and the Democrat also carried Michigan. That seemed to validate the argument many Democrats including Klobuchar had been espousing: that the Upper Midwest could be the kind of “blue wall” the party needed to retake the White House.

Klobuchar and her hack campaign director were a BIG, BIG part of fucking Bernie on the eve of the South Carolina - super Tuesday stuff Clyburn et al. pulled. It shall be remembered. The last Klobuchar vote from Crabgrass quarters was cast last time she ran for Senator, and she'll get no more. End of that story.


There is Our Revolution,, Blue America, Sunrise Movement, choice, and other ways to keep the heat turned up on the corporatists who are now feeling they own progressives because they won (against TRUMP but not taking the Senate with Schumer-DSCC garbage candidates) without conceding one thing popular with the people such as Medicare for All, student debt relief, reining in Big Pharma, ending perpetual war, or other things progressives wanted and instead got the giant Biden-Harris corporate-donor middle finger.

We concede nothing. We fight on. Trump's out. Biden and his stable of Lincoln Project republicans have their hubris of the day, since lesser evil in a two party situation is all they need to be; and it is not be all you can be, but be only enough, and don't strive for more. It is donor love over love of the people. 

The appeasers are now the main enemy. NOW THIS:


Published on by

'Not Him... Us': On the Ultimate Meaning of the Bernie Sanders Campaign

While Sanders continues to be the preeminent and most effective progressive voice in the country, the future—now that his presidential hopes are over—is truly up to us.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) addresses supporters during a campaign rally on March 8, 2020 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sanders covered his policy agendas for immigration, women's rights, healthcare and economic inequality. (Photo by Brittany Greeson/Getty Images)
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) addresses supporters during a campaign rally on March 8, 2020 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sanders covered his policy agendas for immigration, women's rights, healthcare and economic inequality. (Photo by Brittany Greeson/Getty Images)

 "Eugene V. Debs is Bernie Sanders' political hero," the Washington Post reported with evident distaste while the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination was raging in early 2016. "A picture of the socialist union organizer hung in city hall when he was mayor of Burlington, Vermont. A plaque honoring Debs is now by the window in Sanders' Senate office."

Now, as Bernie's last presidential campaign fades into history, it's appropriate to consider this statement from Eugene Debs, whose dedication to the working class was matched by his eloquence and courage: "I do not want you to follow me or anyone else; if you are looking for a Moses to lead you out of this capitalist wilderness, you will stay right where you are. I would not lead you into the promised land if I could, because if I led you in, someone else would lead you out."

Bless Bernie. Read the item. Senator Amy has proven herself as not one of US. She needs to be primaried. Exited to the same scrap heap as Trump.

Primary Amy.

Primary Tina.

Primary Walz.

Primary CD2 and CD3, with progressives. Fight the entrenchment of policy mediocrity among Minnesota's DFL. Fight that same entrenchment at the federal level. Fight for what's right.

Oppose big donor control of the two party stranglehold imprisoning our nation. 

Fight for US. Fight to keep Ellison in office. 

Fight to take over the DNC, from big money, to people.