
Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Election Day. Woo woo. We can't breathe. If Trump loses, however long it takes to reach that point, may he go into obscurity facing his mountain of debt, should it be real and not solely a lie of an income tax dodge. The $750 man - he's not even worth that.

 The headline is Almost enough. 

Awful Joe Biden IS the alternative and that sorrow has to be highlighted. We The People have taken great insult from the two party system, year in, year out. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

We The People were mocked, 2016, again 2020, and history suggests it will be so again and again in our future. In 2008 we were mocked with CHANGE and HOPE. When Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are dead, their successors will be no better.  

We The People suffer: Because everyone has a vote, many voting crazy, while not everyone has a party. With only two of them, each is owned by the same sleazy set of crony rich asshole donors dead set on fucking the people. Fucking labor. Putting mediocre doctrinaire cronies on courts. Enjoying spoils.

SO - Have a nice day. Wall Street will. 

Kapital loves elections, the ruse boosting portfolios of the donors and acceptors and hanger-on campaign consultants. Everyone owns a share. But Daddy will tell you, not everyone owns politicians. They cost too much and the worse of them - the most dishonest - will not stay bought. They're rentals.