
Friday, September 18, 2020

Tina Smith honked off environmentalists by sucking up to Iron Rangers wanting dangerous sulfide mining to happen. What's it gotten her, and is her judgment that way biting her in the ass in terms of reelection endorsement?

 Losing the trust of environmentalists was Tina Smith's gamble. 

Hat tip to Gary Gross at his blog for citing this WashExam [biased] item.

In that item the writer states:

Two weeks ago, Lewis announced after a business roundtable that he had earned the support of the Iron Range region's Democratic Party mayors: Mayors Larry Cuffe of Virginia, Robert Vlaisavljevich of Eveleth, and Andrea Zupancich of Babbitt. The group also announced it was endorsing Trump at a “Workers for Trump” rally held by Vice President Mike Pence in Duluth, Minnesota.

A backfiring ploy: Good show, Tina. Great act of judgment advancing sulfide mining extreme environmental risks upon US in trying to suck up Iron Range reelection votes. 

In 20/20 hindsight, was it worth it?