
Friday, September 18, 2020

The Schmuck appears to believe that internment of Japanese citizens during the Second World War was not "a great intrusion on civil liberties." How so? Just complacent superlative-laden bullshitting around for the hell of it - Japanese citizenship being second class or something - or an inexcusable gross negligence (by omission) committed by a simpleton Trump servant who unfortunately is entrusted with running the Department of Justice and royally fucking up the job, mouth ahead of brain while letting Trump criminals off the hook?

 Aside from insulting citizens of Japanese extraction (some of whom spent part of an American childhood in an internment camp), the schmuck also overlooks that pandemic management was equally important, and similarly practiced, during the 1918-1919 flu pandemic. An unreliable exposition of history, for drama over substance while bloviating is a character defect for this character. Watch:


 Hat tip for the embedded video, DWT, with the video there, in context:


 In America... it's all denialism from the nation's leaders-- pretending. Trump and the Trumpist governors first and foremost. Oh... and the goons I hope to see at Nuremberg-like trials one day, like his consiglieri William Barr. He likened the effort to protect the country from a pandemic he doesn't understand to slavery. Watch the idiot:

-- video here --

New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio thought again about opening up his city's schools. He was smart to do so, while most "leaders" are trying to shove decisions like that off on anyone they can. The NY Times' Eliza Shapiro reported that he acknowledged that "the system had still not fully surmounted the many obstacles that it faced in bringing children back during the pandemic." Shapiro is too dull-witted to understand that DeBlasio was doing the right thing and the courageous thing and she slanted her entire piece to disparage him. What a piece of crap this one is! Most of her writing made me want to vomit. It could have been written by anyone from inside the Trump Regime.

She did note, however that "The mayor said that he decided to delay the start of the school year and opt instead for a phased-in reopening after a three-hour conversation at City Hall on Wednesday with the leaders of the unions representing the city’s principals and teachers, along with senior mayoral aides. Those union leaders have been explicitly warning for weeks that schools were not ready to reopen for myriad reasons, from poor ventilation in some aging buildings to a severe staffing crunch that the principals’ union estimated could leave the city needing as many as 10,000 educators.

 Compare that degree of due caution with an AG who puts politics first and foremost; especially by non sequitur; Barr quoted:

“Just think about the way we vote now,” Barr said. "You have a precinct, your name is on a list, you go in and say who you are, you go behind a curtain, no one is allowed to go in there to influence you, and no one can tell how you voted. All of that is gone with mail-in voting. There’s no secret vote. You have to associate the envelope in the mailing and the name of who’s sending it in, with the ballot.

“There’s no more secret vote with mail-in vote. A secret vote prevents selling and buying votes. So now we’re back in the business of selling and buying votes. Capricious distribution of ballots means (ballot) harvesting, undue influence, outright coercion, paying off a postman, here’s a few hundred dollars, give me some of your ballots,” the attorney general said.

[...] “You know liberals project,” Barr said. "All this bulls--- about how the president is going to stay in office and seize power? I’ve never heard of any of that crap. I mean, I’m the attorney general. I would think I would have heard about it. They are projecting. They are creating an incendiary situation where there will be loss of confidence in the vote.

“Someone will say the president just won Nevada. ‘Oh, wait a minute! We just discovered 100,000 ballots! Every vote will be counted!’ Yeah, but we don’t know where these freaking votes came from,” Barr said, promising to watch “Key Largo.

Ah, the art of non sequitur practiced most crudely. If you honestly see a true difference to going to a precinct to fill out a ballot where you can converse before that with anyone about anything and everything, even exchange of money, vs filling out a ballot at home during a pandemic and using a mailback or drop box which equally but no more allows talking in advance with anyone about anything and everything, even exchange of money; then you value a distinction without a difference. Where does the actual total equivalence of risk leave this unconscionable Republican bloviator, once you examine his glib remarks?

Either way, the honesty of a voter is of concern, and election dishonesty if existing at all has historically been tiny fractions of a percent of votes being thought suspect. When voting by precinct.  And without cause to see any meaningful true difference, in voting safely by mail during a mortal pandemic Trump claims to present a threat of panic among the public. The Barr stuff is pure sophistry spun by a lightweight (intellectually).

When voting by mail, yes the post office must be effective and beyond reproach; but Barr neglects to acknowledge his and Trump's henchpersons are now busy deliberately poisoning post office effectiveness even while he was pontificating as quoted

If not a statutory crime what DeJoy and the board chair are up to, there nonetheless is no moral compass to fucking over the postal service and its hard working people who provide the most regular (indeed daily) show of need among the people for a federal government to exist and be of service. 

Barr only sees the ghosts and hob-gobs he wants to demonize; not the ones needing public shaming and firing from Republican positions of influence. Like a flounder with eyes only on one side of his head because he, as a bottom dweller, is more effective that way, for his purposes, keeping well fed being one he and the flounder share.