
Sunday, September 27, 2020

Mondaire Jones decisively won the Dem primary for the New York House district seat Nita Lowery held, but which she stepped down from previouly. It has a history of being a heavily Dem House district. Jones has an idea.

 BuzzFeed reports Sept. 21, 2020. Presume Jones takes the district in the general election. Presume he pushes hard to expand the Court. Presume both houses of Congress go Dem, the Senate enough so that Joe Manchin and other GOP-lite Senators who vote with Dems on organizing might push against it but not be able to quell the vote in the Senate for it.

Would Biden get a mandate on his desk to raise the number of Justices, and how would he handle it?

Those around when it happened likely are deceased now, but Roosevelt in the Thirties had a recalcitrant Court that struck down some New Deal measures.

The mere threat of Court expansion when Roosevelt floated the idea changed the pattern of intransigence into one of greater reasonableness.

Different people make up the Roberts Court than in that period, but people are still people and the chance of a new majority by expansion might strike reason into the minds of the current dominant majority.

If Citizens United is not gutted legislatively, by defining limits of corporation powers in the political arena, a fine thing since corporations are legislative creations anyway and not inherent extential beings, would the Roberts mob draw back from the craziness of that opinion to avoid court packing?

All such questions come with a current probability of becoming actual after the November election, while only hypothetical now.

Jones is on the verge of becoming Representative Jones. Nita no longer being there for Pelosi and Natanyahu. If nothing else, that would be improvement.

In closing, a link from April of this year, authored by Jones and published by Salon.