
Thursday, September 24, 2020

All politics is local, and has its most current MN political focus for forces of good.

 Readers have this link for "MN lege: Loving these DFL pickup opportunities, Part 1."

Multiple districts are discussed, so that excerpting is inappropriate since a mentioned district an individual reader might live in and care most about may be left out in excerpting.

Suffice it to say my vote is constrained to SD 35, Jim Abeler the entrenched Republican incumbent, who has been better than past dredged up GOP primary opponents (faint praise).

Meanwhile, Dan Burns in posting the item did write, "I see no reason not to add some reaches beyond that, and to maybe be a little more skeptical in some other cases. Especially where there is a long-time GOP incumbent who has just seemed impossible to give the boot, regardless of how great that would be."

See, he lists my district, (indirectly). In a sense, that is an excerpt. However, there is no Crabgrass excerpt beyond the above, so check the item.

 UPDATE: In fairness to Abeler, he is no Drazkowski, but Draz sets the bar lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. Abeler is better than that bar setting. Let it be that Abeler has more wisdom than Abigail Whelan, a past 35A House rep., where faults and all she set a higher bar than Draz; even with her burning trans-phobia.and promoting Jesus during a debate of a State taxing of tax haven money stashes.

Whelan - Long gone. Married an Englishman, believed to have moved to Britain, may they be blessed with atheist Antifa children.