
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

“Young people have to get behind Joe Biden even though he may not have been everyone’s first choice,” said Hansel, a University of Minnesota nursing student. “I think everyone, especially young voters, needs to pull together.” [...] “Young people right now in Minnesota are not excited,” said Jason Chavez-Cruz, chair of the Minnesota Young DFL Caucus. “Right now, a lot of our party is saying ‘anyone but Trump’ ... That’s not how you win young voters. You need to tell us why Joe Biden is a person we should be voting for.”

Headlining here is from Strib's local content reporting on the second day of the moribund virtual Dem Convention. (Did you bother watching?)

It's from deep within the item and evidences Strib's editorial bias to "personalize" local content via a this person did/said such-and-such stuff.

In this instance the Strib authors [ and ] meet the quaint editorial thing well, with quotes well balanced to show both sides of the Biden/Harris "young-voters get absolutely no inner party respect" DFL coin. A troublesome status-quo (a/k/a wholly uninspirational) ticket is shown, to where ousting Trump is the best possible message the inner party has, hence showing that the two young people quoted are of marginal interest to the entrenched Dem inner party folks in Minnesota - who are overdue for an awakening.

Both of the culled pronouncements are true, and that saddens.

The truth is the party is telling potential young voters they can win without them because Trump is such an obvious disaster against the nation, via Biden whose truth is the banks are his constituency - a Bloomberg Democrat after all - with Harris a climber beyond anything else, and obviously so with only the South Bend mayor as an equal that way.

All of that said - the truth is the Democratic Party cannot win without a young turnout, and the bankers don't give a flying fuck between Biden or four more Trump years since they own both tickets.

That said too, and still the bottom line is the bankers do allow diferences in the margins - and that is where BIDEN - HARRIS trumps TRUMP - PENCE. 


Which brings us to the wrap-up. Strib's item, apart from the headlining here, also said:

In addition to Republicans and party standard-bearers like former President Bill Clinton, the program for the four-day virtual convention features icons of the progressive left, such as Sanders and U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. On Monday, Biden sat for an interview with rapper Cardi B that focused on the importance of turnout among young voters.

“In 2016, if 18- to 24-year-olds had voted in the same percentage as the rest of the population, there would have been 5.2 million more votes,” he said. “We wouldn’t have [Trump]; we would have had Hillary Clinton. The vote matters.”

"... would have had Hillary Clinton" is about as damning a thing anyone could have said about 2016 offerings from this highly bothersome money-owned Party. If having to name one individual more owned by the banks than Biden, who'd you say? Six-figure "speaking fee" bribes from Goldman Sachs, the Foundation, and all that baggage which makes Joe Biden look shiningly better, and now, suck it up and oust Trump.

OUST TRUMP - - - Never mind all else, especially the indictment that such a loathful reality represents against the status-quo two-party stranglehold big-donor money-chasing imposes upon US. Can you say, "Bloomberg?" Bloomberg the talisman of our two parties, each entrenched, each against US. Republicans vs. Republican-lite. Worth a good puke, but worth little else but ongoing scorn and a burning will to reform.