
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Virtual citizens hold virtual convention to nominate a pair of virtual Democrats.

Virtual - not virtuous. A mile of difference. As to second spot - - Compulsive Ambition is not a virtue. Yes, Trump must go. Yes an infinitesimal chance exists Biden might transcend his entire past and not be pure Republican-lite puffy pastry, with a nasty streak. 

He could be a sound leader, with a nasty streak. 


Waffles can have nasty streaks. 


Trump is in Minnesota, AGAIN (just like his virus pandemic is showing up again) - and surprisingly this go-round Trump is not sharing his stage as before per two overweights, not heavyweights:

MSR News Online/MSR News Online

Mpls residents and police more polarized than ever

News Analysis

When Minneapolis Police Lt. Bob Kroll, president of the Minneapolis Police Federation, took the stage on October 10 [2019] at President Donald Trump’s rally in Minneapolis—he and by extension the large majority of Police Federation members that allegedly support him—may have intentionally or unintentionally sent an ominous message. They conveyed that they are not fond of Communities of Color in Minneapolis, communities that they are duty-bound and sworn to serve and protect.

“The mayor said the president wasn’t welcome, but the Police Federation of Minneapolis begs to differ,” Kroll told the rally crowd and, through media coverage, Communities of Color across the nation. The Police Federation head claimed in his speech that police were “oppressed” under the Obama administration. He said that Trump, on the other hand, “let cops do their job, put the handcuffs on the criminals instead of [on] us.”

Times change. Black Lives Matter. And that 2019 ominous message now looks undeniably intentional. George Floyd could tell you so, except . . .

Tee shirts of the "oppressed" can be remaindered for whatever Kroll's unsold inventory is worth.  Look for a batch at Salvation Army or Goodwill outlets near you.