
Monday, August 17, 2020

"Trump critics such as Minnesota Democratic U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar charge that DeJoy, who has contributed $440,000 to the Trump campaign, is weaponizing the post office by slowing down delivery of mail-in ballots. State election officials have been told they must pay more to mail those ballots if they want them delivered first-class. Klobuchar worries that slow delivery and added expense could disqualify hundreds of thousands of votes in the upcoming presidential election because mail-in ballots could arrive too late to be legally counted. That happened on a smaller scale in recent primary elections, she said. Klobuchar has led or signed three letters from Democratic lawmakers asking DeJoy to explain his policies. She says they have received no answers."

 The headline is from Strib, locally authored not an AP or other feed, by Jim Spencer and Randy Furst dated August 16, 2020.

If Klobuchar had been more attentive to her party offering better people atop the 2020 ballot, she'd have spent time well.

Instead, she's farting around. Letter-sending is cheap in terms of time and effort, and her paycheck and personal sense of duty to the electorate should have had her better earlier, on the personnel dimension of why we should care about balloting over which of the two-party dreck we give the next four years to, since neither ticket promises any reform of the same old crap Klobuchar's been a part of for decades of "public service."

When Bloomberg was pissing on the Democratic Party it was Warren who confronted it, not Klobuchar. Klobuchar was part of the Super Tuesday screwing of Bernie's sane candidacy, in order to boost creepy sleepy Joe. Joe the tool of money. Along with Harris the ambitious.

Why should anyone take token effort by Klobuchar seriously these days, given her track record? She is nothing besides another cog in the bullshit machine.

Joe Biden! And we are supposed to take the party seriously? He's owned. And Amy is well positioned to know who's owned and who's not. She knows she sinned big time on the eve of the SC primary. There are places she can put her letters to DeJoy. Besides a mailbox.