
Monday, August 17, 2020

Keep America Little Different (than it is now).

 Yes Trump is awful - even to where an improper Twitter bit arose, which was/is over the top - and symptomatic as yet another awful shallow [a/k/a Twitter] bit of hashtag degradation of worthwhile and structured thought [a/k/a the non-Twitter]. (Nobody I respect, to my knowledge, tweets) - - -

That said, some have promoted a #WrongTrump threading on that forum after the death of Robert Trump - using the shallow Trump mainstay policy disclosure engine in a nasty way; yet in a way which predictably has gained traction, Donald J. Trump being who he is. 

Yes, Trump has to be exited from the White House. But we need not be as crass as he is while enacting the exit this November. 

Moreover, reality is hateful enough to US, that truth rings loud in a caricature of what a November Trump ouster entails (an entailment gigantically against the best interests of US which Bernie so assiduously promoted and hoped to see):


The Challengers by Nancy Ohanian - from

Putting aside that incredibly truthful and painful caricature, and returning to  #WrongTrump distressful bad taste - Besides the thread-hashtag-approach being crass and indelicate and open to self-righteous huffing and puffing by Trump loyalists, has anyone embracing that silly hashtag THOUGHT -  

mike pence?