
Thursday, August 06, 2020

Doing a post about an hour-and-half video - before watching it - and noting that while speaking socialism, not all blacks have an Apple top-line laptop to lug to a table at the front of a hall, where traditionally those seated are told what's what.

If grade school to college, if learning nothing else, the lesson is the person at the front of the room deserves more attention than the people seated around us.

Link. Wow it's been on a few minutes, and "existential crisis" has just been said. Preacher like tone, reading from the laptop at six minutes - something B.J. Gray has learned to avoid, using notes and slide show instead. Preachers don't do slide shows.

Cliche is a fault hard to avoid, here at Crabgrass that's known, but not eschewed to any suitable degree. Do you see the Apple reader as having a big DC future?

Gray would make a very good Biden VP and will not be given the chance.

Aside from that, this video, jumped ahead at the twelve minute mark. Moved to the twenty-seven minute mark, another person speaking - not preaching nor laptop reading. Gee. Gray of all people, middle of the table, interesting. Wouldn't you like to see that capability level in a VP debate against wooden Pence?

Won't be. But could be. And - the Apple reader at 30 min or so, extemporaneous and so much better. Saying what Ellison's been saying - gotta do grassroots organizing, and that is hard scutwork. As both Ellisons know, Jeremiah joining in the family business, City Council start, the future open.

Gray at min. 34 and on. Organizing at issue - the howto question.

Live-streaming a video - really, not having any preview - and who/what resonates is a new thing here. At min 38, Thornhill is a good moderator.

Gray at 40 min or so, speaking about reality and policy with telling it well, like it is, Bernie and others juxtaposed. Wage slavery without using the term mentioned as needed to be removed as a rope holding back individual growth and effectiveness.

Taylor good with "think beyond" what is to what should be as policy favoring US. At 45-46 min. or so.

A long question on race and capital, with an advertisement from somebody with what seems a quite expensive hair cut. Williams. Q and A begins around min 51.

Taylor first speaker on the housing question - she says in a sense, that developers are crabgrass. With more clarity, so great! "Credible housing program" is a tight way to say we need new policy beyond the market holding a noose. Gray with statistical intro to her view on housing reform need. Three discussing housing, likely none of the three ever has been homeless - it must be hell, and it freightens all, which the 1% loves to see. They don't say it that way directly, it's a Crabgrass add-in.

Taylor starting at 59 min and at 1:01 focusing on thinking differently, "affordability as opposed to guaranteed" phrasing it well.  "Thinking differently," being the nutshell way to say things.

Taylor discussing reparations shows her at her best - NOT reading from a laptop, but being effectively expressive without a script.

At 1:18 more or less, it is clear the video is worth the time to watch it. Gray talking about healthcare delivery today, scarcity management and elastic usage of resources in a way to maximize cash flow/profits. Bean counter design, in Crabgrass terminology.

Ending question, great, so view it to see - by example, postal workers endorsing Bernie being a buried factoid per mainstream media serving the political establishment. Three black women holding an informative session appears to contradict the MSM story repetition that Bernie has no black community support - a pure lie. Clyburn status quo is NOT the "black community," it is the inner Dem Party community - one of a status quo advocacy bloc - which is a fully different organism in all its parts. It is the dimension of Biden saying if you don't support me, you're not black. The hubris of that demonstration is galling to the core.

Gray talking about prosecutorial discretion. (Kamala handled that discretion her ambitious way. Her name not mentioned. Her way critiqued.) Standing crowd applause ends it.

YouTube via its autoplay segues to an item produced by Bernie supporters.

Biden? Nothing will fundamentally change. But he is NOT TRUMP. He has that