
Thursday, August 06, 2020

Creepy Joe and his bucket of advisors come up with an ad brainstorm that in a sense uses white and black and Latinx citizen progresives as a toilet.

The one-minute ad, which was shared exclusively with The Associated Press before its digital and television release on Thursday, is meant to drum up support among Black Americans, a key constituency for Biden, ahead of November's general election. The ad, titled “Better America,” also takes a direct swipe at Trump, without mentioning the Republican president by name.

“We must choose to fight for that better America,” the narrator states. “And just like our ancestors who stood up to the violent racists of a generation ago, we will stand up to this president and say, ‘No more,’ because America is better than him. So we choose to be bigger. We choose to be bolder. We choose to bring back justice, respect and dignity to this country. We choose Joe Biden to lead us all towards that American promise together.”

African Americans have largely supported Biden’s presidential bid and have been credited with single-handedly transforming the Democratic presidential race and cementing his status as front-runner after his decisive primary win in South Carolina.

But Black Americans, who form one of the party’s most loyal voting blocs, have been hit doubly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic — they have died from the virus at disproportionate rates across the country, and they’ve borne the brunt of its economic fallout. And in recent months, historic protests against police brutality and systemic racism have changed the national discourse around race, thrusting it into a national spotlight and at the heart of the presidential campaign.

The ad is part of the Biden campaign's planned $280 million digital and television ad buy that was announced Wednesday and will run through the fall.

[italics added] Biden and Clyburn stabbed Bernie in South Carolina, while Bernie's agenda, not Biden, very clearly offered more to the poor, white, black, Latinx, with poverty higher among blacks. Bernie got sabotaged by the press saying he had no support among blacks. Clyburn, who takes money from the same people who are funding Biden, the black entrenched political class poster child, said, "Biden" and the southern black primary turnout echoed, "Biden." Against their better economic interests although the southern black primary voting "identity bloc" is more educated and affluent than some sisters and brothers. Inner party, to use a 1984 term, where Winston was on the margin and O'Brien was pure inner party. Much like Clyburn. Perhaps that's a bit extreme a view, but it has merit.

Biden will be a disaster and will do donor bidding to Biden, licking the hand that handed him his treat. Biden is yet to be critical of the Trump-McConnell-Ryan two trillion dollar tax break for plutocrats while McConnell stonewalls extending the six hundred dollar stimulus money after the last allocation expired. The asshole class is doing a big time number on US. Biden waving their flag.

But he is, IS, IS the lesser evil. That is the cruel gaming of US being played by DC with divisive "identity" bellowing being used - you're black, you're in Biden's pocket. Go vote, you hear? What a shit storm. Not even an attempt at subtlety, just shoveling it on, not even using a trowel.

I endorse voting for Biden. I will not. But Trump is worse than Biden. McConnell is worse than Biden. Biden could prove above pure contempt if he picks a decent VP person; but expect, instead, super-tough-on-crime prosecute 'em to the hilt, feed the prison-industrial complex, Kamala. Biden could show character. Expect less.

MORE OF THE SAME: Finally, why does this AP reporting put into mind the Hillary balloon drop with "Stronger Together" being blared through speakers the way Big Brother might, in fiction, be doing. The Democratic INNER PARTY is sick and in need of life support; however meritless they are. Vote BIDEN.Then do all you can to hold the bastard's feet to the fire. The plutocrats will from the other side of US be doing it, and likely  by fat wallets they will again - still - prevail. But keep fighting if you keep breathing, if you can breathe, because that is a cabal of meanness to US.

Hey, remember, Joe told you so. In his typically insensitive, unsubtle, even crass fashion. But for perspective, US have to admit, he is less crass than Trump, who is a study in how to be crass with no let-up. By tweets. Day and night.

What a world.

UPDATE: Bernie being more patient and graceful than his age contemporary here at Crabgrass, has said in his more inclusive way, what is said here, this post.

Bless the man. From 2016, prescient of George Floyd, Bernie again, a video Kamala missed, likely busy career building or chasing truancy instead of bankers; taking the easy pack-the-slammer scorched earth way, in her lean and hungry ambition style. Even if Biden steps into mistake on his soon to be articulated VP choice - Bernie is right.

Keep heat on Biden, as hot as it can get, but put him in where Trump is pure hate and havoc.

The 1% wins either way unless Biden grows, as unlikely as that prospect is, but it is a time to be pragmatic, (while staying emphatic). WE can breathe. Is there more to write? Likely not, but events arise, ideas are published elsewhere needing mention, there may be more but the feeling here is unhappiness and resignation. But again, WE can breathe and shall until the Reaper gets each and every. The young are going to inherit the 1% and may they show a solidarity against divide and conquer which Boomers walked away from, having a million reasons to compromise. None of them being sensible excuse. Other than exigencies of raising the young.