
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Quinn Nystrom is the DFL endorsed candidate in Minnesota's CD8, with the seat currently held Republican.

A websearch. As a Type 1 diabetic, Nystrom knows Big Pharma. Her campaign website header indicates she will not take Big Pharma money.

Her Facebook page.

Nystrom's ActBlue contribution page so readers can financially help the campaign.

Dan Burns has posted of the candidacy, and reports a belief Nystrom can win the seat.

Per mprnews, Nystrom is part of the good fight, having traveled to Canada in search of more affordably priced diabetes meds.

If incumbent Stauber cares about runaway pharmaceutical pricing, he's not pushed the issue in Congress. Nystrom will fight for that and other reforms.

Her story is interesting and her candidacy promising.