
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Half a loaf . . .

The Hill reports of a Democratic Party task force effort to square the Sanders and Biden campaigns better than if there were no task force at all. Biden does have his wealthy donor bloc and Bernie has the grassroots.

We wait. We see.

A hope would be that policies Biden and his people disagree with, should they grow legs to where legislation would reach a Biden presidential desk, that he would sign, even if his personal feelings cut a different course. The present occupant of the White House is an intransigent, with a Senate majority leader also an intransigent; and better citizenship must be hoped for should Biden win and the Senate majority shift. Schumer would be more a worry than Biden in such a scenario.

Minnesota Republican blogging has sequential scare-posts, (here and here) and incredibly Nancy Pelosi is not mentioned in either. A hope is that the GOP blogger reads this item, and posts. Money flows in rivers without GOP criticism to DC insiders, everybody's happy, but then "who pays" gets asked and screamed about when progressive measures are the aim. Consistency is a Republican bastard child, void of attention.

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
110 pages, online:

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
DWT scorns. Amid the scorn, a NYT link is posted. Either I read it all or most of it, or post that I agree with my friends. I agree with my friends.

These are words anyway, now, and if Biden fails as the Clintons did against Trump, it's moot. If Biden wins, it is campaign promising, and - we wait, we see.

_________FURTHER UPDATE____________
Talk is cheap. Picking a VP is a one-off thing. Especially with the oldest Presidential candidate on record [older than Trump, older than Hillary, older that the Gipper]. Let's wait and see, the VP. Harris on the ticket would prove all talk, no substance. There are two better Californians, by far, as progressives, Bass and Lee. Let's see who Clyburn picks.