
Monday, May 04, 2020

Written online, "I have every intention of writing in Bernie's name in November. Why? He's the best man to be president. I don't vote against people; I vote for people. Bernie and his platform were right for 2016 and he and his platform are right for 2020. Watch the video above and maybe you will decide to write him in too."

The headline quote is from Down With Tyranny! at this link; (the headline's quoted paragraph being the first text below the embedded video at that link, (the video that the headline quote here references)). View the video. Read the screed. Reading is a part of learning. Note the item itself is headlined, "... Part 1," so we all await following parts. Opinions will differ, but clearing the air might be a step toward making America great, again.

And to whatever extent it matters, I believe the woman. Franken got skullduggery against him based on a comedic photo the comedian in Franken could not resist; and his Senate colleagues piled on because of Kavanaugh. An allegation of rape is a more serious thing, and yet less undid the Senate career of a better man.

Last, that linked DWT item is source of the new sidebar top image. You can click that item to see it enlarged, but even as a tiny sidebar thing, it says volumes.

Sidebar sequencing has been altered since this post; so this caveat is needed to avoid confusion.