
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Senator Amy Klobuchar.

Probably with an eye to a possible career advancement, this. Today, Strib.


Add on that her policy view differs little from Biden's, although she has no Hunter in her closet.

She's not presidential, and if she's Biden's VP choice it would be a deal killer. Progressives should be expected to have a tepid to negative enthusiasm toward a Biden-Klobuchar ticket. Amy is honest and not a bribe taker. However, more is needed. That is merely a floor for a candidate, (where Hunter Biden circumstances can be viewed one way or the other, but the distinct smell cannot be denied).

Unlike Klobuchar, who says she believes Biden's story and not Reade's, I say I believe Reade.

Why not believe Reade?

BOTTOM LINE: Klobuchar surely left her Minnesota colleague in the Senate, Franken, hanging, twisting slowly in the wind. NOT a profile in courage. NOT by any measure.

Topping that off is the clear fact that Franken has a better mind than either Biden or Klobuchar, is better on policy though not a strong progressive, and is more presidential than either Joe or Amy. And when Al's career was threatened with Klobuchar having nothing to gain really by supporting Al, she took a hike.

That is not presidential. Comparing her "Al reaction" to her "Joe reaction," the juxtaposition carries an undeniable "What's in it for me" tainted dimension. A deal killer dimension.

Strib's headline today, "Sen. Amy Klobuchar backs Joe Biden in face of woman's allegations," subhead, "The Minnesota senator, a key backer of Biden's presidential bid, says she's 'proud to be supporting him.'" [italics added]

Pride being strange, she had no pride toward Franken, who had no career advancement chops to offer, either.