
Sunday, March 01, 2020

Three minutes of a human ennui generator.

Video. Fear the future unless a super corporatist's putsch resonates on Super Tuesday. Is that video advertisement convincing to you? A short old white guy telling you zippo about how or whether he'd care to fix income inequality, an unfit minimum wage, debt burtden on the people, unfair taxation, or anything else already rigged by the super-wealthy to their benefit. The son-of-a-bitch talks about a coronavirus threat, without mentioning the problems ordinary people have with the medical-industrial complex - affording it. That is flat-out dishonest, ignoring the single most important issue - family health - facing every voter's family. "An epidemic may happen and I am an administrator and gave some money to Johns Hopkins University, so vote for me" was put together by the best and brightest of the Bloomberg team. Does that generate a will to rely on Bloomberg, or is it a rock-solid turnoff? The plain fact, the man has NO Bern. No soul. No Bern. No will to even mention actual problems the people face because his priorities are as Status Quo, as Joe's. Half a billion spent, advvertising, so that you can view three minutes of a rich white short old guy dissembling. Money in America is clearly a phenomenon worth study, and more importantly, worth reform. If you see Bloomberg as a reformer, bless you for the thinking.