
Friday, February 28, 2020

A "Feel The Bern" crowd even Jerry Garcia would have been proud to turn out.

Online image. Where? When? Those facts were not online with the image. Still - Mayors Pete and Mike likely envy that talent Bernie shows to pack a house with people who want what Bernie is discussing. All of US is what the campaign is about; while all of THEM are in Bernie Bashing mode. You can judge a man by the opposition he generates. Bless the two short mayors.

NOTE: Moda Center is in Portland, and the "Bernie 2016" sign together give time and place, as being from last cycle. Whenever, it's a DeadHead sized crowd (likely as enthusiastic too). There's been no reporting of Sanders drawing tinier crowds in 2020, so regard the image as representative. And what's Bloomberg offering? Instead of Feel The Bern, it's Feel His Scorn when Mayor Mike talks in public. As if he's a man giving so much by taking the time to talk down to voters.