
Monday, March 02, 2020

The crowds do not look like this at Biden events; (the few that are not closed-door fundraisers among the wealthy).

Link. Biden gets far fewer individuals, but an identical aggregate age total, having that years per individual advantage. As junior to Trump, Sanders and Biden, but not Warren, I am one who saw truth early and kept the faith. Too many Vietnam era young turned out Koolaid consumers of the Biden persuasion. Why? It is a mystery. LBJ, war baggage and all, generated Voting Rights law, Medicare and the Great Society. Since him, the parade has been a disgrace, in comparison and in absolute terms. Clinton and Obama governed as if they'd grown up in the Bush family. Carter and Reagan got us into Afghanistan, great job guys, and Trump does deserve credit for a withdrawal, whatever the terms. Endless imperial war is not what the people of the nation are about. It is others pulling those levers. Specialized Koolaid and toxic.