
Monday, March 02, 2020

Joe Stalin could not have pulled a better coup than Status Quo Joe.


The urgency of the moment reflected deep concerns from the Democratic establishment that Bernie Sanders, a polarizing progressive, was positioned to seize a significant delegate lead when 14 states, one U.S. territory and Democrats abroad vote on Tuesday.

Klobuchar suspended her campaign and endorsed Biden just a day after Buttigieg announced his exit. Both Klobuchar and Buttigieg, who had been Biden's chief competition for their party's pool of more moderate voters over the last year, were set to declare their public support for Biden on Monday evening at a rally in Dallas.

As Bloomberg ordered, so did it happen. It is worth deliberate thought.

Joe and Hunter are a package. Tulsi, Elizabeth, Bernie, the remaining billionaire, and Joe/Hunter. There is a spectrum, nothing radical, but a spectrum. There is grass roots vs corporate capitalism, will of the people vs will of the bankers. Fun.

UPDATE: Same Strib item, buried into late paragraphs:

Sanders' team shrugged off Biden's success.

"It's becoming increasingly clear that the candidates funded by big money and super PACs are coalescing behind Joe Biden, and that's not a surprise," said Jeff Weaver, Sanders' senior strategist. "I think it'll add a lot of clarity to this race."

And while Biden's momentum is undeniable, not everyone in his party's moneyed establishment is convinced.

Some major donors preferred to wait until after Super Tuesday to decide whether to join the Biden movement. And even some of his more loyal fundraisers remain frustrated by disorganization within the campaign.

It as if the bunch of deferrals is by candidates with puppet strings attached. A coordinated Punch and Judy show.