Actually a steam-pressure driven vessel, no sail, now touted worldwide as state of the art. Notice the ship's captain in the background, who, for reasons of judgment or otherwise motivated by forces which we can only guess about, is dead set to pilot things on a foreseeable course inexorably toward a gigantic looming iceberg, (called Hunter), with 9/10th of its destructive mass invisible so far, below see level.
With Biden committed to picking a woman vice president, make it Elizabeth Warren to balance the ticket, and he'd lock in my vote. And he'd have a chance. We'd have HOPE. That there'd be CHANGE. (The real thing.) Down ticket would shake out fine with that choice. It would reassure progress.
[UPDATE was edited a bit from its initial posting].
_____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
The Politico item linked to in the UPDATE states in part:
There’s a powerful current of thought in Democratic circles that Biden needs to choose a black woman after African American electorate indisputably revived his campaign in South Carolina and the South. But it's by no means a certainty.
“I think it’s necessary for it to be a woman and I prefer an African-American woman. That’s my preference,” Majority Whip Jim Clyburn told POLITICO in an interview. Clyburn’s endorsement of Biden before South Carolina’s Feb. 29 primary was a transformative moment for the Biden campaign.
Clyburn said Biden’s pick for a running mate is one of the most important decisions he’ll make. Biden’s age — he'll be 78 on InaugurationDay 2021, the oldest person to take the oath of office of the presidency if he wins — only heightens the importance. While Clyburn has publicly discussed possible running mates, he said he hasn’t made recommendations personally to Biden.
“Here’s the thing, when you choose a running mate, you have to choose based upon compatibility. You have to choose based upon what I would like to call competency. A lot of vetting is going to take place. A lot of polling is going to take place,” Clyburn said. “And I’m certain he will choose what he thinks is best to complement his candidacy for the presidency and capable of becoming president, if the situation called for it.”
“I think it’s necessary for it to be a woman and I prefer an African-American woman."
Majority Whip Jim Clyburn
Biden has been dogged by questions about his age and his failure to attract younger voters, putting pressure on his campaign to balance his ticket with a fresh face. Geography, too, is a consideration. The imperative to win back the Rust Belt, said Biden advisers, will be one major factor in the decision.
Read that in context of Axios reporting:
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), the highest-ranking black member of Congress, told The Daily Beast Wednesday that Sen. Bernie Sanders did not make specific efforts to court his endorsement for the 2020 presidential race.
[...] --61% of voters in South Carolina said that Clyburn endorsing Biden was an important part of their decision. 27% said that endorsement was "the most important factor."
-- 61% of black voters in South Carolina threw their support behind Biden in the state's primary, while only 16% supported Sanders, exit polls by Edison Research show.
What he's saying: “I find it very interesting that someone is referring to African American voters in South Carolina as the establishment,” Clyburn told The Daily Beast, referring to Sanders' claims that the Democratic establishment is coalescing around Biden in order to stop his campaign. “I don’t understand how that vote can be dismissed."
"I don't need to be courted," Clyburn added, noting that he "had a lot of conversations with almost every one of the candidates."
The big picture: Biden garnered the most black support among any candidate in Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Massachusetts, California, Alabama and Virginia, according to preliminary exit poll estimates from the New York Times.
[links in quoted originals omitted]
Finally, the last woman on the face of the earth to pick? Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Second, Ms. Clinton. A minority woman, a new face, whom all sides might find acceptable, Washington State's Rep. Pramila Jayapal. She is well spoken and bright, and would solidify recognition of multiple blocs, women, minorities, progressives, and conservative Democrats could show sincere recognition of other blocs by accepting and strongly supporting a Biden-Jayapal ticket, for solidarity. However, not to be. Absent a Constitutional Amendment to the requirement of birth within the US - lands and overseas duty stations (recall Trump assertions during Obama years and John McCain's birth during parental military duty, Canal Zone). Jayapal was born in India. There is Nina Turner, who fits Rep. Clyburn's mention of Biden's need to consider African American women, in choosing, with Turner meeting that consideration while having progressive cred. Tulsi, in quitting, endorsed Biden. As a VP candidate she'd be a Somoan-Hindu livening up a ticket, but that will not be. Parting from the commit to a woman, how does this pairing grab you?
Yeah. Right.
FURTHER: After a day or two reflection Stacey Abrams seems the betting favorite, it's Biden's choice not mine. Barbara Lee would be a better choice should Biden care at all about progressives, if Lee would take it. Sen. Harris is a deal killer. Too much like Biden himself, all bluster, substance questionable, more a climber than a sagacious executive, or that seems the persona the public sees.
SO -- A Biden-Harris ticket? I would not buy an "I am that little girl," tee shirt. Like Trump-Pence as a ticket, but with more syllables and with the two tickets having to be viewed as a reflection in a distorting fun-house mirror.
Biden was the worse choice next to Bloomberg.
Clyburn along with Pelosi and Hoyer make up House "leadership." Upgrade is possible.
That said, second ticket spot - Abrams? Last cycle, 2016, another Yale JD ran, but top of ticket, and Trump is in the White House. In the 90's there was a Yale JD getting two terms, and the Democratic Party sunk low and has not yet come near to a populous/progressive rebound. Even while getting two terms, of spoils under Bubba, he devastated things for the soul of the party. Wall Street uber alles still has that the same Bubba miasma.
A frustration, win or lose; Biden. Flawed as he is, Ukraine dealings and all. The Dem inner party establishment wants the spoils, but may see four more. Ukraine Joe will be vulnerable.
Last retrospective thought, Clyburn saying he's not "establishment" is a joke that deserves no laughs. If he calmly propagates that lie, what else is there to judge him on beyond that and his campaign financing IOUs?
Unimpressive on those dimensions, while as a politician-deal maker and power broker Clyburn has cunning (if not wisdom). Clyburn seems to know which side his bread is buttered on, and we've too much of that ruining DC and causing regular people to distrust and even despise federal government to where bellowing out "Deep State" and "Drain the Swamp" gets heard.
DC is bought and reciprocates. Bernie offered a retreat from money talks, bullshit walks politics, and would have won. Biden is as awful a choice as was Ms. Clinton. She had her Goldman Sachs speech fees, he has son Hunter as an apparent cut-out. Yet, Again, a Biden-Warren ticket would get my vote in an eye blink over Trump-Pence or Trump-Haley. Expect Abrams, a career politician but not a bad one, however. Someone who may be a fine choice, (we'll see); and surely not the deal killer Sen. Harris at the VP spot would be.
FURTHER: One cannot dismiss Abrams as a VP choice unacceptable to progressives, however, as she has credibility, per Wikipedia, in a footnoted paragraph:
Abrams ran for governor of Georgia in 2018.[21] In the Democratic primary she ran against Stacey Evans, another member of the Georgia House of Representatives,[21] in what some called "the battle of the Staceys". Abrams was endorsed by Bernie Sanders and Our Revolution.[22][23] On May 22, she won the Democratic nomination, making her the first black woman in the U.S. to be a major party's nominee for governor.[24]
[italics added]. Further, Abrams' Wikipedia page discloses an important personal knowledge of how debt squeezes ordinary people (not billionaires):
In April 2018 Abrams wrote an op-ed for Fortune revealing that she owed $54,000 in federal back taxes and held $174,000 in credit card and student loan debt.[81] Abrams was repaying the IRS incrementally on a payment plan after deferring her 2015 and 2016 taxes, which she stated was necessary to help with her family's medical bills. During the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election, Abrams donated $50,000 to her own campaign.[82][83] In 2019 she completed payment of her back taxes to the IRS in addition to other outstanding credit card and student loan debt reported during the gubernatorial campaign.[84]
You have to suffer to sing the blues, and Abrams has suffered the all-too-prevalent squeeze of burdensome debt, and survived, and prospered. That shows character above and beyond other Abrams' achievements.
Read the Wikipedia page, and there is YouTube. Abrams' Fortune op-ed is behind a subscription wall; hence, Wikipedia gave this CNN open access link.
That to me shows a leavening life experience which should keep her genuine, in advancing to VP. (Coincidentally, there is a Barbara Lee YouTube "conversation" which, like the Abrams item, is over an hour in length, each worth viewing in its entirity.)
BOTTON LINE: A Biden-Abrams ticket seems to be one I'd vote for; subject to a wait-and-see caution up to election day, in case ...
Even aside and apart from the great incentive to vote that way posed by Trump, it would be the difficulty with the first spot on a Biden-Abrams ticket, not the second, which would give pause. Abrams likely is more promising and cogent than Biden, and such a ticket arguably would be better, roles reversed.
Surely if for any reason Biden might fail to serve a complete term, Abrams as VP suggests a better outcome than if Trump wins again, but fails to serve that term completely (even if there's a Trump dump, a Pence goodbye and a Haley hello).
Biden picking Abrams, should he make that choice, would add cause to favor the ticket among progressives. Surely more than the hypothetical posed earlier.
LAST A CAVEAT: LATimes suggests five VP female front runners. Please, please, please, PLEASE - Abrams or Warren - not Klobuchar. She's fine at getting reelected in Minnesota to the Senate by large margins, has not done much, and should stay there. She simply IS NOT A PROGRESSIVE and her selection would alienate that very large and needed Democratic Party bloc.
One presumes Bernie would endorse and campaign for a Biden-Abrams ticket, in more than a pro forma manner.
Such a ticket would help progressives to believe they are not taken for granted, yet again, as has perpetually happened (or too frequently happened), at the hands of the same Democratic Party establishment people who foisted off Perez at DNC in place of Ellison.
Readers can do their own web research, to see whether they feel there is a mainstream media bias favoring Klobuchar, because she is a conservative dumpling, and NOT a progressive. The MSM reporting searched and read here found all touting Biden choosing Amy; and that would be a mistake Biden most surely could make. Warren and Abrams simply offer some hope for progress. Having balance 0n a ticket with Status Quo Joe.
Wait and see. The sooner Biden commits, either way, the better. And do not forget Barbara Lee. If deciding a Californian African American VP would balance the ticket - Lee. NOT HARRIS. Harris would be a counterproductive choice leading to four more.
FURTHER: While it might look as if I am talking against myself, it has been noted that Warren represents Massachusetts with a Republican Governor who'd replace her with some GOP troll, in the Senate, until a special election is held. Warren remaining in the Senate would, in turn, aid that body from ossifying more than has already happened (e.g., Mitch, Schumer, Feinstein, Lindsey Olin Graham).
FURTHER: Strib, here, just say NO! Excerpting:
At his debate on March 15 with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Biden pledged to pick a woman as his vice presidential candidate.
The next day, the Washington Post put Klobuchar second on a list of likely prospects behind California Sen. Kamala Harris. That echoes speculation by pundits and insiders who cite Klobuchar’s swift endorsement of Biden after she dropped out of the race ahead of Super Tuesday.
She did so, according to the latest campaign finance reports, with about $5.2 million left in her campaign coffers. In all, she raised and spent close to $50 million to run for president.
What would she bring? Her message of Midwestern electability (Minnesota is now considered a battleground state) and centrist views that echo Biden’s.
Her biggest obstacle? Many Democrats want Biden to nominate a woman of color.
Her biggest obstacle? She'd sink the ticket, even if Biden alone fails to. With a Biden-Warren or Biden-Abrams ticket the biggest obstacle to winning? Biden! Sinking an Abrams or Warren chance. Hunter helping.
And that "... Many Democrats want Biden to nominate a woman of color." NO. It is wanting a progressive, any color, any gender, any age, any demographics, which puts Amy strongly and clearly on the sidelines. Talk about provincial thinking; talk about Strib. It will not be. Amy stays in the Senate, with more name recognition, getting along with staff.
More frightening in the Strib item - as quoted:
The next day, the Washington Post put Klobuchar second on a list of likely prospects behind California Sen. Kamala Harris.
Whatever faults you can find with Amy, she is a wholly honest person not artificial in any aspect; what you see is what you get. Abrams seems genuine too. Nothing artificial about Amy or Abrams. Or Warren, once looking past "Native American." Which matters not a whit, no matter how Bozo in Chief bleats and tweets. Harris would fit on a Trump ticket if Pence gets dumped; yes, she'd have to change policy positions. For her that's proven easy. Very easy.
Talk about revising and extending remarks.
YouTube. It's a short hour long. (Consider at min 40 through 51 if in a hurry.) Trust matters.
____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Reasonable concessions to progressives, if wanting their votes in November, begin with Vice President, but do not end there. Within a Biden adminstration there will be positions open which can be status quo cast, or upgraded to being held an managed by progressives implementing, of all things, progress.
Absent personnel and powers, a token platform plank and a handful of lower level jobs would be an insult progressives SHOULD VOTE AGAINST, IF THAT IS ALL THE OLIVE BRANCH THE WEALTH MONGERS CARE TO OFFER.
____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
A commitment for progressives being on the transition team is also needed. Clearly such deals would be behind closed doors, but messages have a way of presenting, via leaks or otherwise.
If there are signals such as early endorsement of Biden, pre-convention, by a suitable spectrum of progressives that might be a sign. The VP naming clearly would be a message. It is just that Joe Biden is such a sorry excuse for "presidential" that he's got to neutralize tons of baggage, or be ignored by progressives willing to see a four more ensue, as a matter of principle - or getting a message to the thugs who engineered the Sanders political assassination. And then the conduct of mainstream media in playing patsy with Bloomberg and Schumer and the regular suspects; Pelosi/Hoyer/Clyburn, needs further commentary and close attention going forward. What was done by media and inner party "leadership" was gross. And done coarsely. Inexcusably so, meaning damned well affirmatively earn progressive votes by tangible actions apart from fine words; or twist in the wind.
Win with fairness and inclusive good manners - - -
______________FURTHER UPDATE______________
Dan Burns has posted an interesting item here.
This Vice news item is from elsewhere and a month earlier saying things arguably different from Dan's post, while arguably there is a ring of parallelism, at least in the minds of ones more keyed into visual cues and overlaps than words alone, or primarily. On the Vice image, students of body language please answer, which is alpha dog?
Why do I see Hunter Biden when I look at a photo of Jarad Kushner? An artifact of aging perhaps. I see Hunter also, when looking at a photo of Mayor Pete, so it might be Hunter as generic meme and not as an individual.
____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
The only option seems a third party, and in naming it, staying away from worn labels but trying to explain its purpose, it should be called The Honest Grassroots Party, or for short, the "Honests." It would be such a departure from what we've got, that it might work. Right now it is clear that Bloomberg and Clyburn run the Democrats, for the benefit of the oligarchs. Bloomberg's oligarcxhy being different. He actually had to give a speech or two, not just buy speech ones, such as young Mayor Pete whose job was to divert LGBT bloc sentiment away from Bernie; as Ms. Harris was tasked to do with black women, in swamping Bernie before Blomberg bought the show to a close. Pelosi? Where would she have any place, in among the "Honests?" None. Zippo.
And, Andrew Cuomo? Because Biden is such a stiff, some are saying, "Run Cuomo." Jesus Christ, the garbage bin needs emptying. It's running over.
In all of humanity, worldwide, is there an emptier suit than Jarad Kushner? Name one. An expensive well tailored and fitted suit, where it took two and a half million to get the suit into and through Harvard. From a steller New York family, like the Trumps. The Cuomos. The Clintons. The Bloombergs. Caronavirus picked the right state to thin, but the wrong folks are getting thinned out. Wall Street, yoiu dumb virus. Get sound priorities already. Go where the human rehab need sits greatest. Bottom LIne? Not the elderly, the homeless, the suffering mass. No.
The caronavirus should --- Occupy Wall Street.
_____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
A nutshell critique of Trump's handling of the Covid-19 situation, memorialized in a short video segment , Ir is prescient, as it was filmed before Wuhan hit the fan.
FURTHER: Sanders officially dropped out, as of midday yesterday, per this update's date. Rumor is Biden can fog a mirror, with that alone in his behalf as to being any better than the present White House occupant or the mediocre conservative black guy's administration that had two terms before the present WH occupant. Indications are that Biden at his best would aim to restore that inadequate mediocrity. While not yet willing to vote Trump as an object lesson, (nor believing those that fobbed Biden off on the nation care much whether their horse pulling their cart is named President Biden or President Trump; so voting out of spite is going their way as much as voting for Biden). But the leeches, the consultants, if they again see a Ms. Clinton result for this mediocre old man, they will check how much pocket change they're carrying because their "loser" times will be hard.
Unliss Biden and entourage of creeps offers something, screw 'em.
It's how you reform a party, by not caving in. If they put phony Kamala in the second spot, it's a done deal. Vote Trump. Warren or Abrams in the second spot would mean a grudgingly reluctant vote for that individual being allowed a role. We'll see. But nobody besides Jill Biden can be enthusiastic over that creep getting the nomination, and how it was staged. Bernie was torpedoed, so why vote for those who did it?
_____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Down With Tyrannym today, here and here. A third party is what we need. The two Republicans the DWT items draw to focus have had a large role in generating that necessity. They've been paid to do it. Judas goat pays well. With leadership as we've had since Truman, learn Chinese. Or work on that third party.
FURTHER: For a counterargument of, "yet again, lesser evil," though not worded that way; start here, but with that a Breitbart link, it can start a search for reliable sources, on topic. As long as lesser evil works; CHANGE is a joke. Opinions can differ.