
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

With Iowa caucusing soon, and the three-ring-circus going on indefinitely in DC and locking three candidates into Senate attendance rather than campaigning beyond weekend events, Bernie is challenging Biden on their relative records on compromise to benefits programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

This screen capture from Bern Notice shows Bernie has consistently - without deviation or qualifications - defended needs of the elderly including sustaining and enhancing Social Security benefits across the board, disability benefits, retirement income, and all:

Bern Notice has steadily noted policy differences between Bernie and Biden:

The Jan. 28 link for the post from which the screenshot was taken:

Readers are encouraged to check out the Bern Notice site. Or to at least follow the specific Jan. 28 link to read the full post.

There is no doubt - in the past when a balanced budget amendment has been considered Biden publicly stated that to him, "everything" is on the table including modifying Social Security to a more constrictive package.

Biden is on record saying precisely so.

Bernie consistently opposed any such "bipartisan" compromise to the extent it tampered with benefits. Bernie has always been open to curbing spending other ways, such as ending tax breaks for fossil fuel billionaires, or restraining massive spending on expansionist wars. Biden lacks such consistency, preferring over time the mood of the day.

(Sens. Warren and Klobuchar also have their individual histories on federal decision making, for voters to see. Mayor Pete meanwhile has concentrated his career public service effort on South Bend, Indiana; paving potholes and meeting other municipal needs, while soliciting federal funding aid and applying federal funds the city received to subsidize its budget. That is the extent of his having a record to judge. He is a newcomer to federal budget decision-making, i.e., he has no experience or track record at all in that important arena. Biden and Mayor Pete are unconstrained in their campaigning, each having 24/7 time to campaign. Whether that extra opportunity will help either will soon be seen.) See: also, this and this.