
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

From two month ago, a guffaw, a grin, and a smirk. Today? Well, Boss in Chief can change his mind, can't he? Or do you suppose, back then . . . But no. Not him. Never a falsehood from the Boss in Chief.

Nov.26, 2019 - source

Juan Cole asks the really only interesting question so far about the Bolton memoir snake someone has just thrown onto the table:

A Pence Presidency and an Iran War? Why does John Bolton really want Trump Out?

Juan Cole 01/28/2020

Common Dreams carries the Cole post in parallel, but titled,,
"John Bolton Is Not to Be Trusted, But the Question Remains: What Does He Want? -- What if Bolton is trying to get Trump removed from office? That would imply that he wants a president Pence."

Cole certainly knows how to think a really butt-ugly thought. A thought consistent with the threesome in the earlier photo - at least one would wet his pants over a Pence presidency via impeachment - now - no waiting his turn, with the other two then having more motive to schmooze. And Trump is schmoozing Bibi now, one indicted the other impeached, both as trustworthy as Bolton for whatever is under discussion, or at stake. Bolton has been close to Bibi, over time.