
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Richard Neal. In need of a progressive primary challenger.

Who Neal is; here and here; so go figure why it matters. Neal in place equals single payer forestalled.

Forestalled by forces of evil? Go figure that one too.

Certainly single payer would not be forestalled by forces for progress. Progress is single payer and vice versa. While there is more beyond single payer for progressives to force into being, single payer is one of the major milestones to be reached in the course of systemic reform. Single payer is not a singular end in itself, but a step along with many other needed reforms. Make the changes. Keep the reforms. The ballot box can be used to good ends, or bad, the choice being progress, or Republican real - Republican lite, imitating the real.

If swamp draining is desired, look at Neal and his campaign support. Drain a little here, a little there, and greatness as a nation will become a goal closer to actual achievement.