
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Biden in the news, Mitch McConnell is as big a roadblock to progress as is Trump; (Pence in a wholly different, worse league).

A promise. No part of this post will be presented in tortured "learner" Spanish. That gimmick can get stale quite quickly.

"About Biden" posts, here, here and here. The "electability" emperor has no clothes.

Daily Beast on Mitch McConnell and the first debate installment.

Last, do you miss Paul Ryan? The nation, does it miss Paul Ryan? Should it? Would you miss Trump? Do you welcome the chance that after December 2020, Trump might be history? Would you vote for that even if an egregiously status quo corporate Democrat ends up purloining the nomination from progressive options via the stealth and cunning of traditional inner party bosses and beltway consultant hangers-on? Or would that leave you feeling hollow and betrayed?