
Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Israel lobby moves in mysterious ways. As in who put a document factually incorrect in front of Gov. Dayton to sign without it having been vetted by staff and handled in an official manner? And why in the world did he sign such a thing?

Text of the anti-BSD "declaration" which Dayton apparently signed is presented along with detail uncovered by Steve Timmer at In reporting, Timmer carefully documents the impropriety of such a thing existing, apparently, without any paper trail whatsoever in Minnesota's official records.

The "declaration" did not merely express a personal opposition Mark Dayton may have against BDS actions; but instead included a lengthy preamble recitation of pure BS, before getting to BDS.

Someone, bypassing regular channels and procedures did not do Mark Dayton any favors in gaining a signature to a most controversial and questionable document, however the signature was obtained.


At a best guess, Ilhan Omar would never treat such an emotionally charged policy question inartfully, but instead would move with full adherence to and respect for propriety of process. That she'd be principled that way, not presumptive or overreaching.

Being dismissive of the question, thinking AIPAC and this other Israel Lobby organization Timmer posts of being so effective in lobbying for Zionism and Israel, (current far-right-wing Israeli government orientation included), that rubber stamp expectations should apply is wrong.

Dissmisiveness toward the treatment of Palestinians in occupied territory west of the Jordan River by the Netanyahu government is simply wrong, as Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib have properly brought to focus. Despite the throwing of "anti-Semite" mud at each from multiple directions for their questioning acts of a foreign nation which much of the world has questioned, they have helped a dialog to emerge.

Saying as Omar did that Israel's present government is acting wrongly but has a strong lobby in the U.S. of A. is being truthful, not anti-Semitic.

Is this factual report from showing a critical position toward some Israeli developments anti-Semitic, in its urging that the State of Israel may be moving unacceptably among the nations of the world, or aiming to do so; and should stop:

Four Jewish Democrats warn Israel not to annex West Bank territory -- Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, Ted Deutch and Brad Schneider, known for strong AIPAC ties, allude to pre-election pledge by Netanyahu to extend Israeli law to settlements
By Ron Kampeas 12 April 2019, 4:35 pm

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Four Jewish Democrats in the US House of Representatives known for their ties to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee warned Israel not to annex West Bank territory, days after Benjamin Netanyahu’s election-eve pledge to do just that.

The statement by Reps. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., Ted Deutch, D-Fla. and Brad Schneider, D-Ill., did not name the Israeli prime minister, but alluded to his pledge on the eve of elections that he would extend Israeli law to all Jewish settlements in the West Bank, even those in remote areas, that would diminish the prospects of a contiguous Palestinian state. Netanyahu won the elections.

The statement signaled a warning from the party’s most pro-Israel wing that retreating from the two-state solution would be catastrophic for efforts to maintain close ties between Democrats and Israel. There is an emerging argument among Democrats on whether to become more sharply critical of Israel under Netanyahu.

“As strong, life-long supporters of Israel, a US-Israel relationship rooted in our shared values, and the two-state solution, we are greatly concerned by the possibility of Israel taking unilateral steps to annex the West Bank,” said the statement released early Friday.

[...] Despite the caveats, the statement is a shot across the bow from the four, who routinely attend AIPAC conferences and who have split with the party in the past to favor AIPAC positions, including in 2015 when each of them opposed the Iran nuclear deal. Three of the four hold senior positions in the House caucus: Engel chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee, Lowey chairs the Appropriations Committee and Deutch chairs the Middle East subcommittee.

Were one to contend it is okay for AIPAC-active Jewish members of the House to criticize Israeli leadership, but anti-Semitism for Muslim members of the House who are critical of AIPAC and the Israel lobby's general reach to do so, one would look like a total fool. Engel, who signed that critique, was one of the most vocal critics of Ilhan Omar, but luckily his voice was but one of several with other voices more diverse in outlook.

Luckily, in today's times it is not third-rail political suicide to judge Israeli government conduct in a negative way; yet there is far to move to achieve anything like a balanced national outlook.

The two-state statement of the four Jewish Congressional members did contain much that was far too presumptive and in need of discussion on a level and fair basis. But a start is a start; and Omar is to be saluted for initiating a discussion, however one may criticize her wording. The fact is "the Benjamins" are a part of the Israel Lobby approach to DC. To deny that is to embrace a lie. Also there is bullying to "go with the flow," which Rep. Omar rightly declined.

Rounding things out, first an earlier Timmer post with a compelling opening image. Then, about the Benjamins, Omar has support for her taking on her efforts. And while from our nation's own right wing and not from the Israel Lobby or the Likud folks in Israel; Omar gets an online attack which is judged false in a factfinding report. Standing up for her beliefs and for members of her constituency is why she defeated multiple primary contestants for the seat Kieth Ellison was vacating to run for Minnesota Attorney General. Her primary win in her district was in a contest more meaningful in Minnesota's CD5 than the general election; Repubicans being a clear minority there. Rep. Omar has been a welcome new Democratic voice for Washington, DC, where same old was not/is not cutting it.

_________FURTHER UPDATE___________
J-Street, perhaps losing patience, in the news.

Also, Jacobin, "The Center for American Progress is the country's most prominent liberal think tank. But it isn't just buddy-buddy with Democratic elites like the Clintons — it's cozy with AIPAC and right-wing leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu."

Also, Salon reporting grassroots support for Minnesota's CD5 Congressperson,

Rep. Ilhan Omar [...] hauled in an astonishing $832,000 in the first quarter of 2019, NBC News reported. Just under half of that total, or $415,000, came from individuals who donated less than $200, according to Politico. Together, these figures suggest a large grassroots support for the freshman congresswoman.

_________FURTHER UPDATE____________
An op-ed from Australia rings a familiar bell:

In Australia, anybody who either defends Palestinians against Israeli policy during their political career, especially prior or during an electoral campaign, or insists that Israeli policy falls well short of humanitarian standards, is deemed a rabid anti-Semite frothing with manifest hatred. To limit criticism of questionable policies, its best to simply limit the terms used: avoid, for instance, a reference to “Israeli policy”, or “atrocities”, or “settlements”. Never mention “lobby” in the same sentence as “Israel”. Importantly, the strategy here is to conflate Jews and the expanse of their history and experience with the hard edged, often harsh features of Israeli policy, thereby meaning that any criticism of policy implies a libel on the Jewish people. Devious, that.

As Australia now moves into another federal election of characteristic, lowbrow tedium, a few sparks are starting to show in that regard. Interest has piqued towards certain members of the Australian Labor Party, targeted for expressing unscripted and inappropriate views favourable to Palestinians. Again, anything favourable towards a Palestinian state or critical of Israel’s approach to it is singled out for special treatment.

While being one writer's opinion, a coincidental parallelism is noteworthy by carrying a suggestion of worldwide propaganda style.