
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Anoka County, MN: Disagreement expressed online about the Rhonda $150,000 cash/position grab, or what looks like that. The anon. writer of Reflections in Ramsey writes.

Link. "Anoka County Board: ZERO Transparency. How Sad." Dated April 26, 2019. Only partly excerpted, (but readers have the link).

[...] The residents of Anoka County need to be assured that the best person for the job is vetted and voted on, PERIOD.

[...] TRANSPARENCY, with no back room politics, arm twisting or favors allowed.

She and a few of her cronies on the board have started a campaign of personal attacks on any other commissioner who doesn’t support her unopposed gift of the job.

Come on, Rhonda; you lambasted Erhart for operating that way for years, now you’re doing it.

[italics emphasis added] That Board of Commissioners by tradition meets mornings, when most citizens have duties making it difficult to attend meetings in person. Why? Go figure.

The item ends citing Strib, online here.

What's to add? Sunshine is the best disinfectant? That there just might be bigger fish in bigger ponds? That for obscure purposes a search/application process beyond the bounds of those already employed by the county, or recently so, is being forestalled, yet it would be the norm to avoid political incest.

Now, Mr/Ms Anonymous, post some salacious detail about "cronies on the board" and the whispering attacks on other commissioners who disagree with a Rhonda-up (as if we'd all want that, all in the whole entire county, a done deed but with some figleafing)? That is a questionable postulate at best.

NOTE: It is called a "whispering campaign" against some, because none of the bad-mouthing has been heard at Crabgrass. But that Board involves circles that are inbred and to themselves. Circles some don't bother with giving great attention at all times.

So who is bad-mouthing whom, when, how, where, saying what, to whom? Or is that the anon. author's speculation without evidence?

In closing, that board will choose whoever, and the quality of the choice will reflect the quality of those choosing. Small pond, very small. See earlier post.

YouTube. Do watch. At the end, mention of Jim Kordiak. He'd be a good candidate for head honcho, if he'd want the job. As things stand, he should be able to apply and be heard. Also, it appears Anoka Couny presently has a deputy commissioner, a situation where one might expect a desire to be fairly considered for a promotion. It will be interesting to see a finalist pool, once the 30 day posting expires. We await the reformed process reaching its conclusion, even without a search beyond the present county people - the bigger fish in the bigger ponds still being excluded from consideration for the top $150,000 grab the gold ring exercise. Gotta be on the carousel to have a grab at the gold ring, is how the Board set things up.

FURTHER: YouTube again; Sivarajah discussing her Board history, the item being from the last election cycle when she ran to retain her Board seat.