
Sunday, February 03, 2019

Surprising - Bezos' newspaper editorializes, "Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax is no way to run government — but a good way to run a campaign." Why would Jeff think the first part? And publish the second?

Jeff, we speculate, is in negotiation with a Chinese plastics molding firm for one of these to market, looking like Elizabeth Warren. Or just a one-off for his mansion grounds. For his guard Dobermans with steel capped teeth, of course not for his personal use. (I'd like one looking like Mike Pence - yeah, for personal use.)

That last linked video, in between extreme gushing does present Warren describing her policy idea, and it is a marginal tax proposal and not on total; that video I regard as, "Kyle discovers Huey Long."

___________ UPDATE____________
I liked the Schultz who wrote Peanuts better. This one looks to be Trump, with a latte.

__________FURTHER UPDATE_________
Warren's presentation of the idea. Krugman. Young Turks. Bloomberg.