
Sunday, February 03, 2019

FOXCONN in Wisconsin. Scott Walker's art of the deal? First a factory with jobs, jobs, jobs making display screens. Then a brain suck a/k/a a research facility. Thirteen thousand jobs. Then Trump and Foxconn executives talk. Next?

A websearch link. Latest saga installment. Days ago, NYT.

An opening image, shoveling it. Closing text, same item, italics added:

The White House also has yet to comment. Last summer, Trump highlighted his economic policies at a groundbreaking event for the massive Foxconn complex, which state officials initially said could house 11 football fields.

"America is open for business more than it has ever been open for business. Made in the USA: It's all happening and it's happening very, very quickly," Trump said in June after visiting the Foxconn site. "Today we're seeing the results of the pro-America agenda. America First, Make America Great Again. Greatest phrase ever used in politics, I suspect."

Still, the technology council head, said Foxconn can succeed if the plant becomes more research-oriented because their areas of interest match up with Wisconsin's strengths -- such as robotics, medical imaging, and industrial imaging.

A TED talk. Sci-Fi? Art of the Deal? Foxconn having a bipolar vortex?