
Friday, February 22, 2019

Speculation: Pushing so hard on the border wall wastfulness to satisfy a big part of the base, and to deflect "weakness" attention when he caves on the trade war with China because of soybeans in the midwest in 2020?

Soybeans, set to undermine the Trumpster in Ag states.

Is the speculation wrong that he will cave on the trade war, a/k/a "settle the dispute on favorable terms" since he spins up to the point of clear and absolute lying? That will remain to be seen. But as the elevators reach full capacity, the storage silos farmers own doing so also, and the market fails to yield price gains, the pressure will mount to try to appease that "Farmer Brown" segment of his base as well as the wall-bangers.

Note that the idea is published here and now; but the analysis is not at all sophisticated. It is merely judging the will and skills of the man and his standing on principles vs elasticity toward expediency. No will to push the trade war into a 2020 election pinch; little skill; and few to no principles vs expediency, are all presently established traits which will collectively lead to a cave-in on the trade war with China. That being the guess here. Expect it by January of next year if not sooner.