
Saturday, February 23, 2019

Elizabeth Warren gets a Young Turks interview. Mainstream media will not give the two progressives due attention. So use your internet access to explore what the mainstream outlets will not tell you.

Warren in an interview with Cenk; here. Note the new top sidebar item; posted for the same reason citing a non-mainstream media extended Warren interview on the web is necessary.

Bernie also did an interview with Cenk, broadcast by the Young Turks. AND - this cycle he even got a campaign kickoff interview on CBS. Which is encouraging. View the CBS interview and learn. Know where alternate news and views exist on the web. Know where Bernie's and Warren's views on the issues may contrast, or may be congruent.

Inform yourselves because this election is important. I believe the Young Turks ran the Bernie and Warren interviews sequentially, in fairness to both. This is actual journalism at its best.