
Friday, February 08, 2019

Having made it clear that Bernie and Warren are my favored 2020 presidential candidates; have I a third choice, among the field? You bet I do.

Dark horse, but one who on the second spot could really balance a ticket geographically with a more progressive and active resume than "what's she ever really done" Klobucher, Montana Governor Steve Bullock. There's web info. Three links; here, here, and here. Compare/contrast that with Klobuchar. With Harris and her truancy publicity stunt. With Gillibrand who used Al Franken as a diving board. With Biden, Beto or Booker.

Pay attention. The man has not declared, but he's been to Iowa. Unlike press favorites, Bullock really is presidential in mood and spirit as well as capability.

Distanced from the beltway, and that's in his favor.

What's not to like?

From a state with a history of political dominion by copper barons he is a vocal public lands protection advocate. He defeated Greg Gianforte for Governor; Gianforte later following the footsteps of Ryan Zinke and getting to DC as likely the wealthiest House member; Gianforte who spent millions of his own money in running against Bullock, and then millions more running for the seat vacated by Ryan Zinke's cabinet appointment.

BOTTOM LINE: The man has gravitas. Not to be discounted despite beltway press and pundit love for others encamped deeply within beltway elites. In a sense as much outside of that ilk as Bernie and Liz. However, expect the beltway lean if looking for an outsider to be toward Beto, who lost.