
Friday, February 08, 2019

Credit is due Jeff Bezos. It is illuminating and encouraging to see someone with twelve tons of money to take on super sleazy blackmailer effort; or so it seems so far from publicly available documents. Bezos deserves supportive encouragement.

Read what you need, here and here. Tune time.

Hopefully good First Amendment law will ensue. Blackmail is not journalism. Blackmail is as sleazy as six figure hush money, paid by a sleazy man via sleazy intermediaries. Take on the sleazebuckets, Jeff, and may it only add to your credit and public persona, rather than detracting.

"We have these compromising photos . . ." has aptly earned the take-'em-on-publicly Bezos "Fuck you!" response. Politely worded, clear in the message.

Anything less from Bezos would be enabling that which is inexcusable in a civilized world.

Bury the bastards, Jeff.

Take it all the way and then some. It's necessary, and Bezos is showing the courage to fight. May he gain justice; odds being against him or not.

He is fighting. And righteously so. Privacy should be free of invasions of the sort at issue. For everyone. Without qualification.

Or else, there is an enormous failure of the system; which failure is the existing situation Bezos is addressing.

UPDATE: Classic album version from the original band. "Don't tell me this town ain't got no heart; you just gotta poke around"? We'll see.

FURTHER: Thinking of what kind of lawyer/law firm would represent and participate in blackmail, the term "shyster" comes to mind. The firm might be a major New York or DC mover and shaker with federal judges coming from the ranks, but the term "shyster" comes to mind. Perhaps there are lobbyists at the same firm.