
Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Romney goes WaPo to trash Trump's character. This is the guy that wrote off 47% of us now trying to write off Trump, and not surprisingly turning to the world's richest man's newspaper to gain a forum.

Romney's item is headlined: "Mitt Romney: The president shapes the public character of the nation. Trump’s character falls short."

Besides the obvious, that forty seven percent of us don't care a rat's ass what that pompous Uriah Heep says now or later, there is the clueless man saying all the disastrous policy decisions are fine with him and ringing his okay button, but the man, himself, is an asshole. Mitt needs to look at the man in his shaving mirror when making that judgment.

SO --- Mr Romney Goes to Washington; installment one.

As to choice of forum for his hatchet job, Citizen Bezos as a kid had a sled he called "Rosebud." Proving it takes one to publish one. Kindred souls. Birds of a feather.

UPDATE: A friend sent a link.