
Wednesday, January 02, 2019

LizSez 01: Forming a committee; expect Biden and Booker to decline to join. Nobody from Goldman Sachs expected to board the train.

Liz at her official website

Gillibrand says the middle class rejects Al Franken. Booker says he'll check with Wall Street about it. Biden says CHANGE and HOPE, and that Tom Perez is his kind of guy. Kamala Harris points out Warren is not from California with all its electorial votes. Berniecrats say welcome. Trump says Pocahontas, but fearfully so, and Warren has the sense to not go there, knowing that calling Trump "HushMoney" or "TwitTweets" would only distract from running on the issues via a sensible platform of reform. Gen. Kelly says working for Trump was worse than combat. Hegseth says, ..., well, who really cares what Petey says?

Warren's declaring as being wholly into the contest earlier than others is a very positive thing for the nation. Not only is she a contrast to Trump, as very many are, but she's a contrast to the Blue Dogs and middle-roaders of her own party, (Claire, watch the doorknob as you pause to whine on the way out). Warren is one who will KEEP PROMISES and who will promise improvement, not MAGA smoke screening, but actual things for those besides Apple. Speaking of which, the prediction here is that Paul Ryan's first lobbying customer in 2019 will be Apple, after that tax bill, because they owe him. What we owe him we can only hope he encounters, but he never was our Rep, he always was a business asset of the super corporations and the very rich most mean-spirited among us. (How's George W. B. doing these days?) Playing golf with Franklin Graham? Painting Putin portraits? Unless Bernie gets into a candidacy this cycle, Warren is the choice here. Pollsters and pundits can have their audience, my place is for championing progressive things, and not for taking ill-intentioned CNN talking heads seriously.

That CNN thing, their interviewee, Cenk and Anna offer commentary in line with the YouTube comment stream the CNN item generated. Aside from their analysis, I was distracted by his bending his head sideways at the neck, suggesting to me that good posture goes with good ideas. The interesting points in that YoungTurks dialog, Cenk noting how Kamala Harris, the pundit's favorite wannabe did worse in her Senate election relative to Hillary's percentage in California than Warren did against Hillary's percentage in Massachutetts; a truth absent from CNN coverage. Also, Cenk pointing that when the characterization was Warren's polling favorability ratings against Biden et al, were below par, below par is better than above; so watch your figures of speech. CNN is a tool.

Warren interviewed here and here, earlier in time than Jan. 2019.

_____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
Beto says Texas has many electoral votes, that losing to Ted Cruz makes him a viable candidate, and that he's younger than Bernie and Warren put together. Also he can pose progressive, pose trumping substance.

FURTHER: The last Texan to get national traction was "Landslide Lyndon," and that came with a war quagmire; so now "Beaten Beto" should be vaulted past actual progressives? Who sez? Somebody needs to explain to me, Trump beat Cruz, Cruz beat Beto, so logic sez Beto can beat Trump? Riun that explanation by me sometime soon. Time is moving on past Beto.