
Friday, December 21, 2018

Make America MEANER STILL: The man is just a mean bastard. And it is probably Pence behind it.

Wanting to starve people just to be the son of a bitch he is. He and his pack of equal savants.

Gov.-elect Tim Walz said he is "hugely disappointed" by the proposal.

"There's a reason that the farm bill took a year to pass — because they insisted on these ridiculous rules that are more reporting requirements. They don't do anything. And it's to set up a narrative that people who need food assistance are somehow not worthy of getting it."

As a member of Congress, Walz said, he worked on the language in the farm bill, and "we thought we put this to rest. But, again, I just want to stress: Five days before Christmas and all they have to do is come after people who need food assistance? The state of Minnesota has more compassion than that."

The Minnesota Department of Human Services, which administers the SNAP program along with the counties, said it was still analyzing the impact of the proposal and did not have an estimate of how many SNAP recipients would be affected.

"Right now we anticipate that this rule is likely to increase hunger and destitution in Minnesota for some of the poorest people in our state," said Roberta Downing, assistant commissioner for external relations.

And add in Paul Ryan as an equivalent awful person, the bunch are an embarrassment to a nation.

Make America MEAN again. It's been mean enough already, don't pile on. OCCUPY was handled meanly, but that was the other guy. Meanness is bipartisan, so we need more or better parties. We sure as hell need more OCCUPY.

We don't need any greater militarized cop forces, but we are quietly getting them. Figure that out.

_________FURTHER UPDATE________
Trump is just a sqint-eyed mean bastard. Pence does not squint. Beyond squinting, cloned individuals. Vote the bastards out. Those in both parties. Big-time broom time, 2020 cannot come soon enough. Stamp out evil. Stamp out Hegseth. We do not want apartheid walls. We are better people than those having them.

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
The problem is and has been the rich fucking the rest of us, and dumping on Spanish speakers is a nastily-intended diversion. Bless Jarad and Ivanka and their hardships, if any. Fred Trump schooled his one child to be no different than Fred but with pretenses. Pretended genteel is far off the mark. Real genteel does not pay hush money, having no cause to. Stir in a little Roy Cohn, and you have what exactly?