
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

At it again. Matt Look rides his hobby-horse. His County Board seat must be up for a 2020 vote. Dust off and polish the cliche.

As predictable as Michele Bachmann was, and not that different aside from gender.

Strib, here:

On Friday, Anoka County commissioners approved a 4.9 percent tax levy increase, [...] “It’s about cutting the fat out and not cutting the muscle out,” Commissioner Scott Schulte said at Friday’s meeting.

But Look said the county needs to look at the services it provides and to remember its core mission.

“Arguably when every agency has an increase — whether it’s city, county, school, state, federal — cumulatively … you’re seeing double-digit increases. That’s harmful, I think,” he said.

Carping about a county tax increase when all the other commissioners voted affirmativey. And why do that, besides he can? With him it's a want to be that way, not a need.

Tiring to a fault. Decimal point challenged; 4.9% tax hike. "Double digit?"

Sure Matt. If you say so; gotta be so.

To a fault.