
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Reflecting back upon the time Doug Wardlow was in the legislature [one term] and some brain impaired legislators in the GOP [I repeat myself] thought it was to be a hotshot super-good idea to have a Constitutional Amendment Show to fire up "the base."

Days of yesteryear. City Pages, link, opening screen capture [and there is an embedded video you likely do not care to have to watch]:

And this person, not Doug Wardlow, was the original song target. The BD initials in he lyrics fit, so this person should wear it. See a link or two in the post below, to Karl Bremer's Ripple in Stillwater posting; same individual under observation there.

Something that has to be said again with feeling- this dates to when Doug Wardlow was doing his best mischief in his brief legislative appearance, before voters in his MN House District really got to know him. So yes, we've progressed little on the GOP side since then, Wardlow looking to pick bigger fruit last election; stymied, for the good of the state, the nation and the world.