
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Purple Amy = not quite a Blue Dog but damned close: "Republicans failed to win a statewide race again this year, a drought that reaches back to 2006, when former Gov. Tim Pawlenty was re-elected. Stenberg cited a leadership void in the party and said Trump’s brand of politics hindered the party’s prospects in Minnesota. Bill George, former CEO of Medtronic, agreed, pointing to Democratic U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s overwhelming re-election to a third term — and her success in courting donors who represent some of the country’s biggest corporations. 'Look, we’re not a red state, we’re not gonna be, we’re a moderate state,' George said. 'Look at Senator Klobuchar, very moderate across the aisle. Every CEO I know supports her because she is willing to work with them to create a good business environment.'"

Every CEO knows she's never going to lead anybody's SINGLE PAYER fight. Yes, voting for her was a lesser evil choice; but what about a progressive and NO evil? Ditto, Smith. Erin Murphy was a great citizens' choice in caucus/convention days; Walz won a primary, end of story.

At least Ellison holds an important statewide office and is a good person, active and not passive, well intentioned, but not one to carry grudges. He will move into office and excel. We are lucky in how voters handled that statewide contest.

The headline quote is from Strib. Why can't we have a slate of decently progressives DFL'ers for a change? Aside from Ellison, name another Bernicrat.

The one on the left is NOT a LOSER. Unlike . . .

At least Walz is an upgrade over Dayton, who disappointed, especially how easily "Tax the Rich" faded into obscurity. May his health hold, he deserves no ill-will, but the man is as middle of the road as a highway center line from a wealth background; "Tax the Rich" having been a fine slogan, but more than a slogan, a necessity.  

Tax 'em.

UPDATE: Then we get this, from mainstream media. Please, no.