
Monday, October 08, 2018

When did Doug Wardlow leave the ADF? Yes, the tires have had a chance to cool -by now- and pinning an exact date is not worth too much effort. However . . .

What was found, ADF at WayBackMachine showed Wardlow was claimed and listed as an ADF henchman, Sept. 22, 2017. That is enough. No further websearching is really needed.

That is very recent. It is AFTER March 1, 2017, the date when he registered his Minnesota Attorney General campaign committee with the Campaign Finance Board. Screen captures for Wardlow's ADF listing pages were taken from the WayBackMachine Sept. 22, 2017, and May Day, 2017, and the pages for both dates do not differ.

And what was his tasking/specialization at ADF as disclosed in their Wardlow page? Well, this:

Since joining ADF in 2014, Wardlow has focused his legal efforts on protecting marriage and family, religious freedom, and freedom of conscience.

Readers are urged to figure what ADF meant by "protecting marriage and family," that entry being well after Minnesota voters rejected the Marriage Amendment proposed by Republicans during the 2012 election (the same election when Eagan voters rejected a second Wardlow term in Minnesota's House).

Indeed, joining ADF in 2014 to pursue ends comparable to the rejected Marriage Amendment, after having lost the 2012 House election, demonstrated that Wardlow could not take the citizens giving him and like-minded skulkers NO for an answer.

Here is a screen capture, with the WayBack banner showing date:

PiPress, here, mid-item states about Wardlow:

In 2016, he and his family moved to Prior Lake, where he started a solo law practice that handles “pretty much every kind of civil litigation there is.”

That helps, but begs the question of whether that step meant a severance of ADF affiliation and representation, or going at it part time for a change. And "moved" begs the question of from where, ADF Arizona headquarters, or from a prior home across metro, from Eagan to Prior Lake.

One expects the Dobson empire to keep websites current, as part of an efficiency they should treasure.