
Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Timmer asks the questions the press should be asking about the Monahan run against Keith Ellison.

You have to read the entire item.

The crux of consideration - Austin Monahan, whoever he is besides an adult child of Karen Monahan, posted Facebook and alacrity was shown, Aug. 12, for piling on. As if prepublication of Facebook content had been known with posting folks ready on the trigger to dip an oar into the water.

But that does little justice to Timmer's exploration of ideas and circumstantial inference, where always such inference is subjective about maybe, and never a representation of fact about public figures.

For instance, beyond anything Timmer notes, this link, parading tweets including an interesting one:

@JoshNH4H can be guessed to mean Josh Friedman was staunch on New Hampshire for Hillary; while New Hampshire was for Bernie with Ellison being the first House member to publicly go Berniecrat. Is that a reach? Or is it interesting.

That Aug. 12 jump-in really fascinates.


Notice, no quote from the Timmer text; a deliberate thing. Readers here are unable to spin through an excerpt, and must either pay no attention, or link over to the cited item. Please do the latter. Please.

UPDATE: Readers may recall this fairly recent Crabgrass post. In UPDATE segments there, Andrew Parker is mentioned; and links/quotes are given to online items which are not inconsistent with what Timmer writes of Parker as Monahan's current surrogate for sourcing.

FURTHER: A perogative of blogging is being able to change one's mind, and just to possibly get more readers to rotor over, Timmer's first paragraph of the post:

I have observed to multiple people that the story of how Karen Monahan got to be a story is more interesting than the Monahan story itself. I have tried to interest some of these same people in that story, but get the reply, We don’t do meta. Pity, because the meta-story informs the other story.

The story's yin may well outweigh the yang, as Timmer suggests, given how the Monahan story is unfortunate but not an unexpected thing in relationship unwinding. It is likely every dissolution of a relationship has its unfortunate dimensions - story lines. Things perhaps fit for inquiry, perhaps not.

Also, timing of how quickly shoes got dropped sequentially may be as important as timing is to a good comedian. If you just think of tweets as shoes being dropped among intimates.

In the tweet-fest, Hillstrom and Pelikan, opponents of Ellison during the DFL primary contest, showed up. Now, with a dangerous theocrat on the GOP side of the ballot, where are they in warning of that peril? If on Twitter, you tell me, because I decline to use or follow the silly forum. Pelikan's perceived silence now is most troubling, given his roots in the LGBTQ community and given Wardlow's homophobia. Where is party solidarity? I care little that Ellision and Illhan Omar who won the CD5 primary are Muslim, because first and foremost Ellison is a Bernicrat and showed up as such early and vocally. Per NewYorker:

She was born in Somalia, and she came to the United States when she was twelve, knowing only two phrases of English: “hello” and “shut up.” Now her primary victory makes her likely to become the first Somali-American and one of the first two Muslim women (along with Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib) in Congress. But stories about these “firsts” tend to miss Omar’s certainty about who she is, and the rightness of her desire to “expand what is politically possible,” including cancelling student debt, banning private prisons, increasing the number of refugees admitted to the U.S., and cutting funding for “perpetual war and military aggression.” She supports passing a national bill of rights for renters, the End Racial and Religious Profiling Act, and automatically registering every eighteen-year-old to vote. These are the stances Omar is referring to when she speaks, as she does often, about “a politics of moral clarity and courage.”

What is in there not to like? It is Bernie all over again, with attitude.

Yet, somebody must be shaking that Islam, Islam scarecrow besides Wardlow. Pamela Geller if nobody else. I see less truth in Wardlow the Crusader against Islam than in Wardlow the buffoon. Opinions can differ. It is curious that the people of color banner is not being unfurled, at least not overtly, while fear the Saracen is.