
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Poor Phil!”

Variation on a theme.

“I saw that red outfit and the plastic fake smile too! Ice hockey is the spice of life,” she wrote. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Poor Phil!”

Or did I get the late-in-item HuffPo paragraph quote a bit wrong? I shall try to do better. Many should.

Criticizing Ms. Clinton's weight. And critical of Michelle Obama's posture, taller than Queen Elizabeth, and stooping somewhat in a greeting.

UPDATE: The Sabres have not been Stanley Cup winners either. Poor Phil!

FURTHER: Ms.Housley seems to have a sound real estate sales practice, and shows a level of competence.

FURTHER: To backtrack from the rewrite of the Housley dump on Ms. Clinton, here is the exact HuffPo quote:

Another friend lamented Clinton’s light-blue pantsuit, which prompted Housley to express pity for former President Bill Clinton.

“I saw that light blue one too! Variety is the spice of life,” she wrote. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Poor Bill!”

"Light blue pantsuit." An image. Michele Obama meeting the Queen, juxtaposed. Are people beating on Housely? Yes. Unfairly? You decide that.