
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Will non-progressive Democrats listen and learn? Flat learning curve too entrenched, or can party elders learn?

A video from Florida. The primary winner for Governor explains the painfully obvious, with an olive branch in naming party names.

It is not about Trump. It is not any kind of "impeachment" howl. It is about people having needs with a Democrat having honest and helpful answers. May Andrew Gillum win the general election. At least progressives have hope, now, in Florida. They voted nicely.

It is not about big donor money buying a state house. It is about being able to resonate with the working people as legitimate and wanting progress.

Young Turks. Hyperbole can be disarming, or too much. But watch and consider the viewpoint, please.

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
The man campaigned vigorously and had a tour bus. [UPDATE: see short reporting here and here.]

Time for some schooling of beltway beings. Tour buses don't need those expensive consultants doing awful video blurbs to assure losses with excuses. It is time for kittens to experience eye opening.

DWS former staffer learned; so others can also. Be with winners, today's and not yesterday's. HOWEVER BE NOT TOO FAST: Today's reporting has paid attention to DWS, who goes to the general election intending to hold onto her seat in Congress. (Tim Canova mentioned.)

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Young Turks about Politico, with Politico reporting Florida today, here and here. Same Politico, different spin, here. (See photo)

___________FINAL UPDATE___________
Young Turks, thinking positive but November awaits.

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