
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The biggest fraud going, pollsters who told the Clintons what they wanted to hear, and are now trying to sell a skeptical public on their theory that guru stuff is needed to be bought from beltway bandits.

This offends. We care, and do not trust their products. They had their paydays and want more. Give them the middle finger salute and concentrate on grassroots.

The polls were minimizing Andrew Gillum, favoring the establishment [yawn] candidate in Florida. As they told Podesta-Clintons what was wanted to be heard. For a pollster to belittle grassroots intensity and involvement is pure crap.

There would have been perhaps more need for more civil servants had TPP passed, so, go figure that part of worker solidarity.

The public cared much about TPP, which the establishment, who in addiiton to Obama and the Clintons entailed the bureaucrats who'd have benefit from more administrative needs generated by TPP, and TPP was a failure only because public sector labor squashed it.

Labor solidarity is key. Push the minimum wage issue or have the young tune out.

TPP was negotiated in secret to benefit corporate America, and it will take the Democratic Party a long bit of time to lessen the feelings of betrayal the entire exercise generated. Obama let his voters down, so building back trust will necessitate more than a token nod to progressives and workers.

So, where is it, the love for the progressive working base? It is not in pollsters saying you have to buy adds to boost polls. That's a reasonable way, to them, since they sell, and advertisements in the op-ed pages suits their aims to sell as much as will be purchased by established as-we've-always-done-things machinery.

Tout, and when in office actually boost worker concerns for health, shelter, affordable college, quality food and comfortable leisure opportunity. The two job trap breaks family solidarity, wrongly.

YES -- Two spouses each having a career each loves, bless it in the few instances it happens beyond beltway spouses being taken care of in kept positions or consultancies, on the public dime.

All of that is a bottom line proposition you can take to the bank. You doing so, rather than the beltway insiders banking up more, will require a hard push against them, but for the good of workers and the entire nation, please push in solidarity.

Attend to grassroot people and issues. Or be irrelevant Republican-lite and continue seeing the real Republicans skunking the watered down clone product symbolized well enough by a jackass.

End of rant.