
Thursday, August 09, 2018

The five candidates in next Tuesday's Minnnesota primary running for Governor, and their meeting rural voters at Farmfest.

Sorensen, at has a lead post, linking here.

Coincidentally, the start of the Sorensen post demonstates how rural broadband infrastructure upgrading and net neutrality [non-throttling some feeds while favoring others possibly for premium payment] are rural information-related issues. We have all seen streaming web content chopped to shreds by limited bandwidth and high site traffic, but rural web access lags urban services.

On that issue, the federal Republicans gave us Ajit Pai, which is like giving us a chronic debilitating disease.

While the opening two links are the meat of the post, and internet issues are a digression, once digressing it is helpful to note two links, an anti-Ajit site here, and the parent organization here.